Space City Pinball League Season 10 Preseason

Note: Due to recent events, Shawn no longer recommends participation in Space City Pinball League events until further notice. Please see this post for more information and the Bayou City Pinball League website for alternatives.

So once again a new season of the league is upon us. It’s another mini-season of four weeks (due to baseball season conflicts, I am guessing). League nights will be June 3, 10, 17, 24, with playoffs on July 1.

Unlike previous seasons, I haven’t really been keeping up with who won what. Perhaps the most notable statistic in my brief research is that Fred Revnew winning last season is right in the middle of a bunch of tournament and league victories going back to 2018 August, with only three non-firsts in that string (7th place Texas Pinball League, 2nd place in SCPL 2018 winter season, and 5th place at a monthly tournament at The Game Preserve). His son Bryce, who won the prior season, has also had his share of success in recent tournaments, most notably taking 2nd in the Texas Pinball League playoffs this March. I’m not going to go further into the intricate details of who has been winning what, but suffice it to say I’m expecting the same level of competition in the league as in prior seasons.

I haven’t been able to play any other tournaments outside of the league. I already know, going into the season, that other commitments will keep me away from league night on June 10. That leaves three nights and zero margin for error. I toyed with the idea of skipping the season outright, or possibly showing up just for week 1 or week 4. As it is, I intend to play weeks 1, 3, 4, and the playoffs (assuming I qualify), and will try to play at least a couple more tournaments later in the summer. Depending on how I do in this league season and those tournaments, I may be re-evaluating my involvement with competitive pinball at the end of 2019. I intend to play in the 2019 fall/winter SCPL season assuming there is one (and I have no reason to assume there will not be).