All posts by Shawn K. Quinn

Early November happenings

To keep things in chronological order as much as possible, this is split from the visits and games played in later November. Oddly enough, this is just one visit to Poison Girl on November 7 with best scores on only two different machines (of the eight or nine available), those being Attack from Mars and Mousin’ Around. The latter of those two appears to only have been at Poison Girl very briefly before being taken to Houston Arcade Expo and presumably put back in storage (I’ll need to double check the lineup later this week).

The scores for Mousin’ Around include the full high score list (including the new addition of 11.01M+) for reference.

Admin note: Mastodon account move

By the time you read this, the move from my old Mastodon account at will be moved to Hopefully I won’t need to do this again for a while. If you followed me before it should have been moved over to the new account, but it never hurts to check.

[Edit 2022-12-13: Moved again to due to hardware issues at SDF.]

Admin note: Unfortunate but necessary revisions to previous posts

Many of the previous posts have been edited with a disclaimer regarding recent events. This is unfortunate but I feel it is necessary given what has transpired.

Should circumstances change, those disclaimers have been added in a way to make it easy for all of them to disappear with minimal tedium, odium, and utterances of profanity by yours truly.

Thanks, and I appreciate the continued support.

Brief note about November happenings and other events

I know it’s been awhile since the last post, but I have had a lot of things come up in my personal life. This is just a brief note about what’s been going on so far this month.

I did make it to Houston Arcade Expo the weekend of the 11th through 13th. I also have some scores to post from various bar/arcade visits before and after those dates. These will be split up into three posts: one before, one of Houston Arcade Expo, and then one after.

After that I will be making a series of pinball related posts to my other blog, Rant Roulette. They will be posted there as the subject matter is such that the series of posts in question will really be more about politics than pinball. I realize some of my fans may have some questions and I hope those posts will answer most of them. I will try to answer any others, but there are some questions I will not be answering in a public forum if at all.

With all that out of the way, I’m looking forward to ending 2022 on a high note and the exciting new promises that the new year, 2023, has in store.

Edit 2023-03-27: After careful consideration, I believe this series, as originally conceived and written, is no longer in my best interest to post. What does get posted will be a heavily edited subset of the first post in that series.

October on location

Not a whole lot going on this October, but a few notable games here and there.

Poison Girl, October 6:

Game had a sticky left flipper but no other obvious problems. This was a very brief visit as I had stopped by primarily for other reasons.

Little Dipper, October 7:

One of my better games on Creature.

Little Dipper, October 15:

Another brief visit, I played a total of two games.

Little Dipper, October 20:

Another monster score on Creature.

Little Dipper, October 28:

Monster scores all around. The score on Spider-Man wasn’t quite good enough for a replay (the replay score was a bit north of 92M).

Through September

Most notable this month:

  • Funhouse and Monster Bash are no longer at Little Dipper, Fireball and Spider-Man (latter not pictured here yet) are in. These two score pictures from Monster Bash in this set represent the last two sessions I had with this game at Little Dipper.
  • I’m back on the high score board on Creature from the Black Lagoon. I think it’s just a matter of time before I finally get grand champion, as I’m really feeling like I’m getting to know this game well.

In order: Little Dipper September 5, 12, and 26 (as usual, pictures representing the best scores from each day), and then Darkhorse Tavern September 27.